
Edinburgh Global MasterCard Foundation Scholarship Program in Scotland 2024

Find out more about the process of applying for an on campus postgraduate scholarship with the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Edinburgh.

Nurturing climate leaders

All Mastercard Foundation Scholars at the University of Edinburgh will participate in a Climate Leadership Programme.

The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program aims to make a meaningful impact in addressing the climate crisis.

Our program is dedicated to nurturing a community of talented, entrepreneurial, and compassionate leaders from across Sub-Saharan Africa.

We empower young people with the necessary knowledge, skills, and networks to drive sustainable transitions by offering a range of exceptional sustainability-focused postgraduate opportunities through the Scholars Program at the University of Edinburgh.

Applying for an on-campus scholarship

From 23 October 2023, we will be recruiting exceptional young people with great academic and leadership experience who have overcome barriers to their education and are committed to pursuing their studies on-campus.

Application timeline 2024/25

23 October 2023 (10am UK time) Applications open.
1 December 2023 (5pm UK time) All applicants must have completed the first stage of the application – the Eligibility Assessment. The SM Apply system will not permit new applications after 1st December at 5pm GMT.
7 December 2023 (5pm UK time) Applications close.
Early February2024 On-campus Interview shortlisting begins; both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified.
Early to mid February 2024 On-campus interviews take place.
End of February 2024 On-campus Interview outcomes will be announced.
March – August  2024 Support provided through admission and immigration processes.
September 2024 Academic program starts.

How to apply

You must qualify academically for admission to the University of Edinburgh. We require that applicants apply for this scholarship before applying to the University.

The Scholars Program will not accept applications submitted outside the online application system.

Please review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section, below, for further details.

If you have any queries regarding the Mastercard Foundation Scholarships, which are not answered in the FAQs, please contact us at: mcfsp@ed.ac.uk

Apply for a postgraduate scholarship

Selection Process

The selection process for applications is based on the following criteria:

  • Academic merit of the candidate that qualifies for admissions to the University of Edinburgh
  • Track record as a transformative leader and service within their community.
  • Quality of application in line with the Scholars Program theme of climate justice.
  • Potential impact on the development of the applicant’s home country.
  • Applicants who have faced  significant barriers to education (social, financial, personal, practical or health related).

More information at the official website