
University of Exeter Business School Online Programme Scholarship 2024-25, UK

Deadline for applications: 8 January 2024

About the award

The University of Exeter Business School Online Programme Scholarship recognises achievement and ambition.

The award amounts are £5,000 for online MSc applicants and £750 for those studying individual online modules. These awards are available to UK and International applicants who already hold an offer to study a University of Exeter Business School online programme or online module beginning in January 2024.

Scholarships are available for the following subject: MSc International Business (online programme)

This scholarships is awarded as a reduction in the tuition fee against the programme or module of study. As payment for the MSc is made on a module by module basis so too the scholarship will be applied pro-rata with the £5,000 scholarship split between six 30 credit modules meaning a reduction of £833 off the £2,500 module price.

If studying a single module, you can apply for a scholarship of £750 against the module cost, you are also eligible to apply for scholarships against future modules irrespective of whether a previous scholarship application was successful. Individuals studying multiple modules concurrently can also apply for a scholarship against each module.

How to apply

Scholarship recipients are selected on merit, based on the information supplied in the scholarship application. To apply, you must:

  • Complete and submit an online application form here. You will need your Exeter student number to submit your scholarship application.
  • You will be asked to upload a covering letter – a personal statement (of up to 250 words per question) that responds to the following:
  1. What is your interest in the MSc International Business (or the individual module if you are applying for a single module scholarship) and what are you hoping to learn?
  2. What are your future ambitions and how will your studies help you to achieve them?

You should apply at the earliest opportunity following receipt of your programme offer.

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis and applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by email two weeks after submission.

Application deadline for September 2024 entry: 8 January 2024

Terms and Conditions

  1. You cannot receive more than one scholarship from the University of Exeter; if you are eligible for
    multiple scholarships you will be awarded whichever scholarship has the higher value. If your tuition
    fees will be financed by an external body (such as an overseas government or Chevening,
    Commonwealth or a partner Institution) with whom the University has a shared finan
    cing agreement
    this award may be invalidated or superseded with a different fee arrangement.
  2. If you expect to receive funding from a charity or your employer, this may also make you ineligible to receive this scholarship. It is your responsibility to inform us if you are in receipt of any external funding prior to enrolment.
  3. In the event that you withdraw or interrupt your studies post enrolment then the University Finance regulations at that date will apply as regards any repayment or other requirements: exeter.ac.uk/students/finance/studentfinanceregulations
  4. By applying for this scholarship you are agreeing to your personal details being shared with scholarship panel members.
  5. Please note that if you are successful and accept this award, you may be asked to provide a photograph and written or video profile to appear in publicity material relating to scholarships and/or study at the University of Exeter.
  6. This scholarship will be awarded as a reduction of the tuition fees; it cannot be paid as cash or attributed to other charges. It will be automatically deducted from your tuition fees upon enrolment.

Source / More information: Official Website HERE.